Zhen Su

Company: Marengo Therapeutics
Job title: Chief Executive Officer & Member Board of Directors
Industry Leaders’ Fireside Chat: A Commercial TCR-T & TCR Bispecific – What’s Next? 2:15 pm
• Reflecting on the past: celebrating the first TCR-T commercial approval and its impact on the field, along with novel clinical data • Determining the current state of play: discussing what challenges remain, the current funding environment and the priority for the field to outline present focus • What’s next? Discussing the potential for allogeneic…Read more
day: Day 1
Leveraging Companion Diagnostics (CDx) to Distinguish Target Patient Populations 5:00 pm
• Setting up your CDx tools early and evolving your CDx tools to cater to advancing clinical trials • Understanding guidelines and retaining flexibility to adjust for changing diagnostics regulations • Leveraging CDx to accelerate patient recruitmentRead more
day: Day 1